White as Snow

When I got up this morning our world here in Nahahum Canyon was looking pretty dingy. The snow which had fallen on November 1st had for the most part melted, revealing the broken and muddy ground underneath. However, within about a half hour, a transformation took place. Large, wet snowflakes tumbled from the sky, quickly […]

Though He Slay Me

  In a world where the innocent are gunned down without mercy and thousands lose their homes to hurricane force winds, how can I believe in God? When bills pile up, sickness invades, and relationships die, how can I trust in Jesus? My answer is, “How can I not?” Even though I don’t understand why […]

A Guide for Your Way

  “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.” Isaiah 48:17 NIV Every morning, the first thing I see when I look out the living room window is the Big Dipper hanging in the sky. It is something I can […]


  “I’m just so sad!” Do these words, spoken by one of my patients recently, echo the feelings of your own heart? Have the trials of life left you feeling down? Then rejoice! Jesus says, “Blessed are the poor in spirit…” How can this be? When you’re world is crumbling around you and you struggle […]

Together We Will Stand

  Together We Will Stand When next I see Old Glory wave And hear that anthem ring, I’ll stand with hand across my heart And lift my voice to sing.   I’ll stand to honor those who died Defending this fair land, Giving their lives so others might Kneel to take a stand.   I’ll […]

Storm Warnings

The Lord says, “Turn to me now, while there is time.” Joel 2:12 NLT At this very moment, while I write these words, Hurricane Maria is pummeling Ana’s childhood home, Puerto Rico. Up to 155 mile per hour winds are ripping off roofs and tearing up trees, causing unprecedented destruction to that beautiful island paradise. […]

Fear No Evil

9/11 and Conquering a Culture of Fear

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4 NKJV   Sixteen years ago, on 9/11/2001, our nation started its journey through the valley of the shadow, a journey which continues to […]

New “Soles”

The Story of Nick Lowinger and the Gotta Have Soul Foundation

No! Please don’t! Don’t hit me, please!” His mother’s frightened screams tore Jeremy away from a wonderful dream, thrusting him back into the terrifying reality which was his life. Tears streamed down his face as he heard his father’s heavy blows and his mother’s desperate cries echo through the house. More times than he could […]

“Just Glass ’em!”

  “Let’s just glass North Korea and be done with them!”     This comment on Facebook yesterday got my blood boiling. Is this really what we’ve come to? “Glass North Korea…” Really? Have you thought this through? Do you really want to “glass” 25 million people whose only crime is being born on the […]