Though He Slay Me


In a world where the innocent are gunned down without mercy and thousands lose their homes to hurricane force winds, how can I believe in God? When bills pile up, sickness invades, and relationships die, how can I trust in Jesus?

My answer is, “How can I not?” Even though I don’t understand why God lets these things happen, even though He sometimes leaves me baffled, how can I not trust Him, how can I not believe? What other choice do I have? Anything else then belief destroys all hope. Anything less than total trust leads to total despair. “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.”

My faith is not blind, however. “The world, though fallen, is not all sorrow and misery. In nature itself are messages of hope and comfort. There are flowers upon the thistles, and the thorns are covered with roses. ‘God is love’ is written upon every opening bud, upon every spire of springing grass. The lovely birds making the air vocal with their happy songs, the delicately tinted flowers in their perfection perfuming the air, the lofty trees of the forest with their rich foliage of living green — all testify to the tender, fatherly care of our God and to His desire to make His children happy.” (Steps to Christ, p. 9.10).

Everywhere I turn I see abundant evidence of God’s love and care, but even if the only thing He ever did was give His Son to die for me, even if the rest of my life was a total mess, it would be enough. That would be proof enough of His love. That would be enough reason for me to trust in Him.

Today, no matter what comes your way, put your trust in God. Even if everything seems to be going wrong, know He loves you and He will make “…all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28). Let your prayer be today, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.”

God bless and have fantastic day!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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