Together We Will Stand


Together We Will Stand

When next I see Old Glory wave

And hear that anthem ring,

I’ll stand with hand across my heart

And lift my voice to sing.


I’ll stand to honor those who died

Defending this fair land,

Giving their lives so others might

Kneel to take a stand.


I’ll stand with pride next to those

Who chose to take a knee

In protest of injustice

In this land of liberty.


To protest is their right

A right I will defend

With every breath I have in me

Until the very end.


Now kneel if you feel you must

To help us understand

I may not always agree with you

But by your side I’ll stand.


So next time you see Old Glory wave

Across this weary land,

Remember we are one nation under God

And together we will stand!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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