Who Am I?

About BioWho am I?

That’s a question we all struggle with at different points in our lives. Often we answer it by giving our name or by describing where we’re from, who our family is, or what we do for a living. By those criteria I would tell you my name is Rich Edison; I live in Washington State, but I’m from upstate New York; I work as a Physician Assistant; and I’m married with three grown children.

So, that’s who I am. Or is it? Do all these things really define who I am? Do they give a true picture of the real me or are these things are just window dressing?

A person’s identity is more than what he does, where he’s from, or who he knows. “Who am I?” is a complex question with innumerable possible responses. It is a combination of his hopes and dreams, his disappointments and triumphs, his failures and his aspirations. Who a person is encompasses who he loves and who loves him. It is influenced by what he believes or doesn’t believe. It is affected by who he associates with and how he spends his free time.

To really know who a person is you need to look inside, feel what they feel, hurt where they hurt, hear the echo of their dreams at night. Who a person is isn’t defined by what he does or where he’s from, but by who and what he loves, what makes him weep, and what makes his heart feel like singing.

So, who am I?

First and foremost, I am a child of God, saved by grace, bought with the blood of His only Son. This fact is the foundation on which the rest of my life is built and defines my understanding of who I am.

Who am I?

I am a man still deeply in love with my wife after 31 years, whose idea of a perfect evening is sitting with her, watching a Nicholas Sparks film, and wishing the guy could just once finish his story with a happy ending.

Who am I?

I am father overwhelmed with pride in his beautiful daughter and two sons, a man who would do anything to keep them safe and happy.

Who am I?

I am a son deeply humbled to share the same last name with his incredible parents who, instead of golfing their retirement years away, have spent them trying to make the world a better place.

Who am I?

I am an artist, a designer, a worker in wood. I am a writer, a speaker, an entrepreneur. I’m a dreamer, a leader, and a builder. I’m a runner, a skier – and a really lousy golfer.

Who am I?

I am a man out to change the world by showing people we all have choices, we are not victims of circumstance, and with God all things are possible. My mission is to inspire, motivate, and empower people to live healthy, happy, extraordinary lives in growing relationship with their Creator.

I want to give people hope. I want to give you hope. I want to help you find your purpose, improve your health, build a future, and discover for yourself the answer to that age old question – “Who am I?” At the same time I hope learn from you. We are stronger together. By sharing our plans and dreams, mistakes and failures, thoughts and insights, we grow and become more and more who we were made to be.

So, come join the journey. Together let’s change the world.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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